Jan 14, 2013

Leavenworth 2012

So I made a deal with myself that I was going to try and be better about posting on our blog for those of you that actually care and may look at it every once in awhile.  Well this past December we made our annual trip to Leavenworth.  We we trying to think how long we had been going and we came up with we have been going since I was 5 and missed 3 years in there and I am now 34 so that is 26years if my math is right.  That is a long time but a tradition that we are keeping alive with our kids.  Elliott looks forward to this trip every year now and that means so much to me.  This is the first year that Edith really remembers it and they are still to this day talking about it.  We get the share the fun weekend with my parents, my brother and his family and now dear friends from our church that went for the first time last year and were hooked.  This year there was no snow but it was cold.  It was still super fun.  Here are a few pictures to capture this year.  Looking forward to next year already!
One of the beautiful trees on the hillside.
My brother and his little man

My dear friend who just happens to be our pastors wife as well.  We went to high school together and reconnected a few years ago.
This is one of my favorite pictures from the weekend.  That is our baby girl who is not so little and my hubby and our pastor who "photo bombed" the picture as his kids would say.

The best family picture we could get when dealing with a 5 year old in a mood and a 2 1/2 year old girl:)
Tried to get both kids to take a picture with Santa and Mrs clause but Edith would have no part of it.  Elliott was super sweet though, because they gave him a candy cane and he asked for one for his sister.  He can be sweet to her!

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