Aug 14, 2007

Why we have Children!

So Wes and I decided that the reason that you have children is 1) to love them unconditionally, and 2) to use them as your entertainment. We were giving Elliott a bath one night and I told Wes that my mom was calling him her little moose so what does Wes do, he gives him Moose antlers. We laughed really hard. We just had to share it with everyone. He is becoming so much fun. I just love being a stay at home mommy.

Aug 9, 2007

First baseball game!

This is how we found him when we arrived at the game. He had fallen asleep this way!
We went to the Tacoma Rainiers game last Friday. I was not sure how out little slugger would do. He was awesome! He slept for about a half hour and than ate and was alert for the rest of the game. We were there for about 2 hours and everyone was amazed at how well he was doing. He will be a true sports fan. This is the little outfit that Grandma Jan bought him to wear. he looked so cute!

Aug 2, 2007

2 Months!

It is so hard to believe that Elliott is 2 months old as of the 29th of July. We had his 2 month appointment yesterday and he weighs 13lbs, is 23 1/2 inches long and his head is 15. His doctor said he is doing great. He has been sleeping through the night since the beginning of July and we are so lucky. I am looking forward to not going back to work this fall and just being Elliott's mommy. Wes is awesome with him. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband who loves his family more than anything and loves God! Here are som more recent pictures of our little one. God Bless you all!!