Elliott got to experience his first real life plays this past year. The first one we took him to was Scrooge the Musical at Champion Center with some good friends of ours from Church. We were warned that there were some loud noises and s couple of little scary parts. Elliott was loving it until it got to the part of Bob Marley, Scrooge's former partner and he was a little scary, or super scary as Elliott would say. He looked like a Zombie and that just about did Elliott in. He made us snuggle him and close his ears and eyes and then he started crying loudly and yelling "Get Me Out of Here!" We were able to convince him to stay but it took a lot of convincing:) After the play was over we were heading out and they said the cast would be in the lobby greeting people, Elliott scoped out where the Zombie was and went WAY out of his way to go around him and not see him. The next weekend we were suppose to go see Elf at the 5th Ave with all of Wes' family but they all came down with the crud so we went with my brother, sister in law and our Niece and a dear friend of mine and her 2 kiddo's. They all loved it and had a blast. We also ran into another set of dear friends and their daughter. Here are a few pictures of the special day.
Elliott & Gigi holding hands after the show. We joke that this is their 2 real date:)
Elliott and his other real good girl friend
The 2 big cousins
3 out of 4 of the kiddo's that got to attend. It was so fun