Aug 14, 2012

Elliott's First Field trip

So in June Wes and I were able to go with Elliott and his preschool class on his first of many to come field trips.  We went down to Washington State Extension Center to the kids garden and got a tour.  It was a lot of fun and turned out to be a great day.  We were all set for rain but it was actually a little warm.  We were able to take Edith with us and they got a tour of the garden, and were told that they were going to see the Giant from Jack and the bean stock.  Elliott was so excited to see the giant only to find out that it was just his footsteps and his chair.  There was a little disappointment but he got
over it.  Here are a few pictures.

 Elliott found this chair in the garden and every time they would talk about seeing the giant and then they had to wait or it did not really exist, he headed back to it.  It was a quaint little spot in the middle of the garden.
 At the end of the tour the kids were able to plant a pumpkin plant.  Ours did not make it:(
 This was all that was there of the Giant.
 Elliott and some of his friends looking at plants.
It was a great field trip and we look forward to many more.

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