We were trying to remember how long we have been going to Port Townsend for the 4th of July and we came to the decision that it has been 7 years. It has become a tradition that we have grown to love. My mom's cousins have a house that is right on the water that is just absolutely the best place to go and relax. Now that we have kid's we love to go here even more and make great memories. It is a tiny community that is on the water and every year on the 4th they hold a little parade for the kid, well actually the kids are the parade. It is so fun to decorate the bikes and strollers and have the kids be a part of this. There is even a local fire truck that comes for the parade. It has been fun to see Elliott's progress every year. It started out him in the stroller and then it was daddy pulling him on his tricycle and then him riding his tricycle and then this year it was him ridding his big boy bike. He was so proud that he was able to do it all by himself (little help from daddy). This is a tradition that we hope to continue for many years. Thank you Ross family for including us every year, we love you guys!
We stayed at my cousin's house and one night we found Elliott like this. He never woke up!
Edith and One of my favorite people in the whole world! Love you Darren!
Daddy and Elliott teader tottering
One of my favorite pictures of my boys
Elliott had a blast looking for sea shells
The best picture of could get of the kids on the front of the fire truck. Edith was done!
Getting ready for parade
The 4 kids ready to go
This is the best family picture we could get all weekend. At least 3 out of 4 of us are happy